Privacy Policy

A privacy policy on your website is a legal document informing users about how you collect and handle their personal data, who you share it with, if you sell it, and any other relevant details.

Privacy Policy

Perun AI is committed to protecting users' personal data (hereinafter, "Data") in accordance with Serbian regulations, particularly the Serbian Data Protection Act, as later amended, and the General Data Protection Regulation of April 27th, 2016 (GDPR).
This policy outlines our rules regarding Data protection. It specifically addresses how data is collected and processed, and how users can exercise their rights.
We apply a strict policy to ensure your data's protection, as follows:
  • We do not sell your personal data to third parties.
  • We ensure your personal data is always secure.

Scope of the Policy

This policy supplements the Terms of Services Agreement. It covers the use of:
  • Our web platform and services accessible from this platform.

Data Controller

The controller of personal data is Level Up Setup - company, whose head office is located at Gradsko Setaliste 219/2 - Cacak, Serbia.

Types of Data Collected

The data collected on the Platform are those that enable Perun AI to identify users directly or indirectly, as well as those that enable the use of services offered by (AI content writing, AI Image generation, speech-to-text, and text-to-speech).
This may include personal data such as last name, first name, email address, mailing address, billing address, phone number, birth date, gender, pictures, or connection data such as IP address and browser data, such as cookies.
Users who communicate the personal data of a third party must confirm that they have the consent of this third party regarding the exploitation, publication, and/or dissemination of these data on the Platform.

Purpose of Processing

The personal data collected on the Platform are used for the following purposes:
  • Registration (creation of the user's account) and user authentication.
  • Establishment and use of the services offered by Perun AI.
  • Analysis of the user's account to provide personalized and satisfactory service, ensure customer relationship, and set up satisfaction surveys and/or evaluations of the services offered by Perun AI.
  • Providing support tools adapted to meet users' needs.
  • Improvement of the platform's quality, services offered by Perun AI, and the functionality of the services offered.
  • Implementation and management of accounting tools (invoicing, accounting).
  • Platform management, user operations, user rights requests (right of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation, and portability
  • Performing technical operations for commercial purposes related to prospecting and solicitation, user selection for prospecting and loyalty actions, and enriching user data.
  • Development of trade statistics and organization of promotional operations.
  • Interaction with social networks.
  • Distribution of newsletters and communications for commercial purposes.
  • Collection of opinions and comments from users.
In addition, Perun AI may also use the data collected to meet its legal and/or regulatory obligations.


The Privacy Policy is systematically brought to users' attention when they register on the Platform. Indeed, the creation of an account and/or subscription to the newsletter implies the user's express, full, and complete acceptance of this privacy policy.
By providing their personal data to Perun AI, users agree that their personal data is stored and processed by and/or its partners.


If a user wishes to withdraw consent to the processing of their personal data, request data deletion, request data portability, or have any request related to our privacy policy, please send an email to the following address:

Data Recipients

The primary recipients of the personal data collected on the Platform are Perun AI and Level Up Setup - company. When necessary for the purposes of processing, the collected data may be transferred to our processors and partners involved in the provision of our services.
Furthermore, your Data may be disclosed to competent authorities upon request, for the purposes of judicial proceedings, information requests from the authorities, or in order to comply with legal obligations.

Storage Security & International Transfer

Data we collect is stored on secure servers, ensuring a high level of protection. These servers are located within the European Union.

Third-Party Transfer

For the purposes of the service, we may transfer some of your Data to our subcontractors, some of which are located outside the European Union or the European Economic Area. In such cases, we ensure that they are located in a country considered adequate by the European Union for the protection of Data. If the subcontractors are located in the United States, we make sure they are subject to the Privacy Shield agreement. If this is not the case, we ask them to contractually commit to implementing equivalent measures to ensure the protection of your personal data (standard clauses of the European Commission).


Transmission of your Data via the Internet is secured via an HTTPS connection protected by an SSL certificate (SHA-256 / RSA Encryption). Access to your account is secured by your username and password, which must be strong enough and not shared. For the most sensitive actions, we use a 2-factor authentication system. This is achieved by requiring you to confirm the actions with a 6-digit code generated by a third-party application.

Data Retention Period

The personal data collected by users is retained for a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days from the disabling of access to the services offered by Perun AI, except for the data that Perun AI would need to keep as evidence, for legal or administrative purposes, or in accordance with the legislation in force.
As an exception to the above paragraph, users are informed that:
  • Collected billing data (including user account data on the billing system) is retained for a period of five (5) years.
  • Invoices associated with user accounts are retained for a period of ten (10) years in accordance with Serbian law.
  • Cookies are retained for a period of thirteen (13) months maximum after their first deposit in the user's terminal equipment.

Contact Us

For any questions concerning the processing of your personal data or for any comments, requests, or complaints concerning your privacy, please contact us:
Mail at: Level Up Setup - company,